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(Buy 1 Get 1 Free) Organic Kale Powder (100g / 300g)

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Introducing the Essence of Vibrant Greens: Our Kale Powder

Experience the essence of verdant vitality with our Kale Powder. Meticulously crafted with care and dedication to preserve the integrity and nutritional value of our premium kale leaves, this vibrant green powder is a pure and concentrated form of nature's nourishing gift. From harvesting to drying and grinding, every step is carefully executed to ensure the highest quality and optimal flavor.

Captivating Color and Freshness: Our Kale Powder captures the vibrant hues of fresh kale leaves, preserving their rich green color and natural freshness. Each spoonful brings the essence of the sun-drenched fields to your kitchen, infusing your recipes with a burst of natural beauty.

Nourishment in Every Serving: Immerse yourself in the nutritional benefits of kale without compromising on convenience. Our Kale Powder is packed with essential vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber that contribute to a balanced and wholesome diet. With each serving, you embrace the nourishing power of this leafy green superstar. Discover the delightful flavor profile of kale in its powdered form. Enjoy its slightly earthy taste, which perfectly balances the mild bitterness with a touch of freshness. Let your taste buds explore the depths of this green wonder as it transforms your recipes into culinary masterpieces.

Embrace the Green Revolution: Join the green revolution and embark on a journey towards a healthier lifestyle with our Kale Powder. It's a simple yet effective way to incorporate the goodness of kale into your daily routine. Embrace the power of greens and let kale become your culinary ally in your wellness journey.

Inspire Others: Share your kale-infused creations with friends, family, and fellow food enthusiasts. Let them taste the kale essence and inspire them to explore the endless possibilities of this vibrant green powder. Together, we can cultivate a community that embraces the nourishment and joy of kale.


The RAWGANIQ™ Difference

Our kale leaves are grown and harvested in the sun baked, alkaline soils of Inner Mongolia. Once harvested the leaves are thoroughly washed in alkaline water, dried and gently powdered.

  • Certified organic to EU and NOP standards (view certificates)
  • Directly imported from the processing plants of our growers, thus reducing handling and minimizing nutrient loss
  • Packed and processed in GHPs/HACCP certified and FDA-approved facility  (view certificate)
  • Lab analysis to ensure your safety 


Kale powder is a convenient way of being able to obtain high levels of a diverse range of nutrients all year round. With particular access to the well known antioxidants of Quercetin and Kaempferol, one can provide the body with strong defense against free radicals.

Aside from the powerful antioxidant profile, Kale also provides ample amounts of other essential vitamins and minerals for optimum functioning. Kale is also low in calories with a 7g serving providing approx 21 calories, 1.5g of protein, 1g of carbs.

Kale powder has a very strong taste and thus serving sizes can be adjusted to personal preferences.

Health Benefits:
  1. Nutrient-Rich Superfood: Kale is renowned for its exceptional nutritional profile. It is loaded with vitamins A, C, and K, as well as minerals like calcium, potassium, and iron. These essential nutrients contribute to overall health and well-being.
  2. Antioxidant Powerhouse: Kale contains powerful antioxidants, including beta-carotene and flavonoids, which help combat oxidative stress and support cellular health. Antioxidants play a vital role in maintaining a healthy body.
  3. Fiber for Digestive Health: Kale is an excellent source of dietary fiber, which aids in digestion and supports a healthy gut. Including fiber-rich foods in your diet, like Kale Powder, can promote regularity and contribute to a balanced digestive system.
  4. Potential Anti-Inflammatory Properties: Certain compounds found in kale, such as glucosinolates and omega-3 fatty acids, have been associated with anti-inflammatory effects. Consuming kale may contribute to reducing inflammation in the body.

How to Consume/Use:
  1. Smoothies and Juices: Add a teaspoon or two of Kale Powder to your favorite smoothie or juice recipe. It blends seamlessly, infusing your drink with a burst of green goodness. Experiment with different combinations of fruits and vegetables to find your perfect blend.
  2. Soups and Sauces: Enhance the nutritional value of your soups and sauces by incorporating Kale Powder. Simply stir it into the mix to add a hint of earthy flavor and a boost of nutrients.
  3. Salad Boost: Sprinkle Kale Powder over your salads to elevate their nutritional content. It adds a vibrant green touch and imparts a subtle kale flavor that pairs well with various salad ingredients.
  4. Baking and Cooking: Incorporate Kale Powder into your baking and cooking endeavors. It can be added to bread, muffin, or pancake batter for a nutrient-rich twist. Mix it into pasta sauces, stir-fries, or casseroles to infuse your dishes with the essence of kale.

  1. Li, Y., et al. (2016). Kale juice improves coronary artery disease risk factors in hypercholesterolemic men. Biomedical and Environmental Sciences, 29, 1-10.
  2. Boeira, T. V., et al. (2019). Antioxidant activity, phenolic content, and flavonoids of kale extracts and powders and their effects on the growth of probiotic and pathogenic bacteria. Food Chemistry, 270, 272-278.
  3. Slavin, J. L. (2013). Dietary fiber and body weight. Nutrition, 29, 411-418.
  4. Ninfali, P., et al. (2017). Cruciferous vegetables and cancer prevention: Epidemiology and mechanisms. Current Pharmacology Reports, 3, 421-429.